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DF Auditors Consultors

Auditing and economic-account and fiscal advice with more than 30 years

of experience.


Auditing for the public and private sector

Financial audits for the private and public sector, including business valuations and Due Diligence.

Auditing of grants

Check and audit of public, European and international grants, according to the requirements stablished by the applicable regulations.

Financial and accounting advice

Financial and accounting advice on all aspects in relation to business management.

Tax advice

Tax advice, both to natural and legal persons, Spanish and foreign, in national and international transactions.

Labour consultancy

Advice to both individuals and companies, in all aspects related to personnel management and Social Security obligations.


About us

After more than thirty years of experience in the field of auditing and financial, accounting and tax consultancy services for both companies and individuals, has been consolidated thanks to its multidisciplinary team of specialists in auditing, accountancy and taxation.

What our customers say about us?

Mariona A.

“El servei de DF és impecable! Van solucionar el meu problema de manera ràpida, i això que era un cas que no havia trobat solució des de fa moltíssim temps. Moltes gràcies!”

How can we help you?
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DF Economistes Auditors, S. L. All rights reserved.

Or visit us at:

DF Auditors Consultors

Av. Diagonal, 534 2n 3a

08006 - Barcelona

+34 93 487 22 86

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